Show Your Love!

Here we are with Valentines Day upon us and as I peruse the blogosphere, I see a lot of blogs about how to get through the day… Through the day. Through the day? Through. The. Day. I shudder when I see that.

I know there are people who may not have a significant other, but we have a day where we celebrate the most powerful experience a human can have, and there are folks out there who just want to get through it in one piece, unscathed. I get it. There was a time in my life when things would have had to get better before they could suck, but one of the lessons I took from those days was that every day, the world offered me many opportunities to feel good and see the good around me. It was me who chose to see who I wasn’t with, who I wasn’t dating, and who would never go out with me. I’m not sure when I realized that dressing up with a chip on my shoulder, a scowl on my face and customized black cloud wasn’t going to bring me what I craved, but at some point with box full of Tony Robbins tapes to guide me, I started to figure things out.

The world, it turned out, was a pretty spectacular place. I mean, let’s start with nature? No matter where I went, if I only thought about the power of nature, I was in a better mood. I could be in the middle of a city, look down, see a weed growing through a sidewalk and I was amazed. And a funny thing happened when I was done noticing nature. I began to notice people. I really looked at them for the first time ever. People are incredible. As the Tom and Ray Magliozzi, The boys from “Car Talk” would say, We have one make, two models. But the variety on those two models is flat out, off the charts beautiful. Beautiful in a way that you have to appreciate watching a woman walking on two feet in high heeled shoes. How does she do that with out taking a header on every single step? Or picking things up with your hand. Examining the dexterity to pick up a a car key and place it in a lock, or a heavy bundle of newspapers was like watching someone split the atom.

How could I look at these beautiful, marvelous creations and not light up like a Christmas tree? I found that as I first had appreciation and awe for people, followed by love for them, (Spoiler Alert, moment of clarity coming…NOW!) They were nicer, friendlier. For Christ’s sake, George H.W. Bush got elected on seeing a mystical “thousand points of light” and a kinder gentler nation, right before he went to war with Iraq.

Myself, I was probably still an emotional disaster and not ready for a significant other at that point, but the world I lived in saw I was getting better in spite of that, because I was willing to show it some love. So I know it can be tough, but rather than suffering through it, be amazed at people. Feel their differences from you and their similarities with you. Smile at people you don’t know, say “Hi” to a stranger, notice something and compliment it.

Love Rules the day today. Show Your Love to everyone and everything because It’s Valentines day. Show your Love because everyone has it to give with out running out, and everyone needs it to feel like a complete human. Show your love because your smile, or friendly word may lift a sad person and be the ignition for turning them around, and maybe their lives with it, but mostly, show your love because its a really kind habit to get into for yourself and the people you encounter. Besides, John Lennon & Paul McCartney said it’s all you need, and I believe them.

Be Kind – Sean