Do The Dishes and Put Them Away

I don’t mind doing the dishes in the grand scheme of things, but I hate starting the job. Once I’m wet though and up to my elbows in
detergent and water and I got a good scrubby sponge, I’m like a machine. However I have this mental block about drying them and
putting them away. I even have trouble mounting the ambition to take them out of the dishwasher and put them away. Think about
that one. The dishwasher did 99% of the work, and I don’t feel like putting them away… Completing the job and putting them away
so my partner doesn’t have to, is one of those little things that she loves. It’s torture for me to do it, but it’s really appreciated by her
and more importantly, it’s not that hard. I mean it is, but it’s not like I had to walk five miles with buckets of water on my head to do the
job. I just had to break the same mental block I’m sure a few others have to do.