Practice Meditation

“Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods” Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote those words over a hundred years ago, yet
still they ring true. You got five minutes? Really, I only need you for 30 seconds. Yeah right. We are all busy, busy, busy. It’s part of liv-
ing the western lifestyle, but is it doing us any good? Sometimes it feels like the sun rises and sets on running fifteen minutes late, but
could you actually name what you what you have accomplished on those days? Try to incorporate five to ten minutes of silence in a
quiet place, which means no music, TV, or reading material in front of you, just silence where you can start to meditate and concen-
trate on your breathing. In and out, in and out and keep it simple.  You will start to notice in short order that the mere practice of
being present will help to lower your stress, and help your thought processes become clearer.

About pkirsch2

mountain runner, family man, enjoying the best that the mountains of NH have to offer

One thought on “Practice Meditation

  1. seeker says:

    Sean, Thank you for notifying me that you are back in the world of blogging. This is one big moment. Good to hear from you. Pax, Seeker.

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