Practice Forgiveness

Practice makes perfect. Practice, practice, practice, but forgiveness is hard. There’s no doubt about it, but to be kind and live in kindness, you must practice and become good at forgiveness.  Kindness is recognizing the humanity in those people you meet everyday, in all walks of life and you have to start with the person closest to you in the entire world, yourself. And this is where the practice part comes in. You need to see it in yourself, or you won’t recognize it in other people. Learn the value of letting go, accepting that you’ve made mistakes, or done some nasty things, and that may be who you were, but its not who you are now, nor is it who you wish to become. Let’s assume you’ve learned how to forgive yourself, now it gets easier. Because once you’ve forgiven the person you’re closest to, (yourself) it gets progressively easier to forgive those around you in your life and forgiveness means letting go of anger, fear, hurt… all the dark emotions which weaken your soul from the inside and keep you
from expanding your spirit to its full potential by robbing you of time spent on more worthwhile endeavors. Think of how much time you’ll return to yourself, and practicing forgiveness becomes easier still. It will help you become a better partner, co-worker…Human Being.

About pkirsch2

mountain runner, family man, enjoying the best that the mountains of NH have to offer

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